Campaign Issues

Brian on Economic Growth & Infrastructure

As a businessman Brian believes District 16 has a true need for economic development and job creation . As we all know growth is necessary and inevitable, but we must do it the right way to ensure that our communities remain enjoyable places for our families to enjoy. We must lower taxes and stop government growth. We need to to find ways to encourage long term economic growth with heavy recruitment of new businesses.

Brian believes we can do this. We must first eliminate regulations that hurt small business owners and offer true incentives to any new business that comes in and protect those small businesses that are here. We must create jobs, as you next Senator I promise to make this one of my first priorities, because everyone here in South Carolina deserves to make an honest living.

Brian believes that to keep South Carolina moving in an upward swing we must have an infrastructure plan for the future, He believes that we must check and test many of our roads , bridges and sewage systems. We must make sure that with the rapid growth in our state that our infrastructure is safe, updated and secure in the event of any natural disaster. As a Representative of this state, he would be committed in making sure that we have the proper infrastructure to allow all this growth.

As many of you know, District 16 is one of the quickest growing districts in the state and as your next legislator I would like to put a plan in place to assure that we are prepared for all of our economic opportunities. I believe, that we should support legislation that will encourage an economic boom to our District. Brian also believes that we need to bring in new companies that would provide a greater opportunity for you and your family, We need companies that offer skilled positions who can offer greater pay to improve the lives of many in our district.

South Carolinas Economic recovery depends on a thriving business community. Economic growth does not thrive by a growing government. We must eliminate excessive regulations on businesses.

Brian says strengthen Immigration

“We are a nation of immigrants and we are a nation of laws. I support legal immigration and I support enforcing our current laws.” South Carolina has the strongest immigration bill in the United States but we can always make it stronger. It is almost nearly impossible to get a real strong national immigration reform bill in place right now with a divided country, but South Carolina can be a leader in immigration reform. Brian will support legislation that increases penalties for falsifying citizenship documentation and identity theft. I also oppose granting driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants and I believe we should be aggressive with employers who hire illegal immigrants.

Brian believes immigration is an issue that matters to the people of South Carolina and wants to work with members in the house and senate to even strengthen our state laws even more. Illegal immigration is now more then just an economic issue it is a security issue within our own state. As your Representative do everything in his power to find the right solutions and curb illegal immigration.

Brian on True Transparency

Transparency"is a catchphrase.Transparency needs to be about making our elected officials accountable for their votes. The public needs to know where they stand on issues and how they voted. Brian will fight for roll call voting, so that voting public knows how their representatives voted. We need to make our government more accountable and user friendly for constituents. We need to make on-line bills and campaign finance reporting easier to find so that everyone can access that information easily. Brian believes that we need to be able to track where every dollar in our state budgets goes in order to insure that we don't grow our bureaucracy at the expense of our programs.

Brian on Job Creation

Brian believes that job creation is one of the leading issues for the people in District 16. As a small business owner, Brian knows that we need to find the right solutions to provide people with meaningful employment. People in our District are hurting and many of them are struggling to get by. Short-term solutions are just that, short term. We need to find long-term solutions that enhance and expand our small business base, which drives the employment in our state. We need to find ways to keep our small businesses from failing in South Carolina and make them more competitive. We need to make it easier for them to expand by eliminating the governmental barriers that impede their growth. If we can get people back to work, then we can eventually turn our economy around.

This should be the number one job of the legislature going into 2011 (job creation). We cannot afford any more quick - fix government run programs. We need to provide oppurtunities for both blue and white-collar workers. Jobs that utilize the talents that exist within our current work force pool. We need a pro-business legislature. Our citizens deserve it!

Brian on Veterans Affairs

We must protect and defend our Veterans, these men and woman gave it all to defend us against tyranny on our shores and we have a growing number of war time vets who will need our help to make sure they receive the best care we can possibly give them in South Carolina. They deserve the best health care that we can provide them for their immediate and long term needs. This is one thing I know we can do.

For many of us we do not understand the true sacrifice these men and woman made for us in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention our Vietnam vets. If we do not protect them in their time of needs who will? We must make sure as a state legislator that our facilities; clinics and hospitals in our state are up to par when it comes to their needs.

"It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you". Former Vice President Dick Cheney

Brian on State Spending

The question always arises do we have a budget problem or a spending problem? The answer is simple; Columbia has a spending problem.Our top Democratic legislative office holders in Columbia and some Republicans are holding us back from true reform and transparency; instead they are wasting countless hours bickering over meaningless legislation that is divided amongst party lines. We need to get tough in Columbia and get working for the people of this state, we need to make tough decisions on how to cut wasteful spending and eliminate pork projects that benefit no one but those who push those projects through.

As you next State Senator, I will fight and say NO to these useless projects and keep money in your families pocketbook. The times of irresponsible government have to end.

Brian on Education

Brian believes that education is the key to our states success. South Carolina for too long has been clawing its way from the bottom of the barrel and he believes the time for a change is now. He supports education reform that puts our children first. He also believes we need to find a way to fund a statewide 4K Kindergarten program to give children an early start. Our parents and their children should be offered choices in their education, because our common goal is to provide the best solution so our children can graduate and continue on to college or a tech school.

Our Senate district has been very fortunate to have some of the best schools in the state. They have great parental involvement and educators who are dedicated to the cause, but at the same time our state is failing as a whole. As your next Representative, I promise to fight and keep our schools the best in the state, but I also feel that we need to find a way to improve the failing schools we have statewide. As you next Representative, I will pursue excellence in our schools by recruiting the best qualified teachers available, I would encourage looking into a variety of educational programs, and finally we must demand accountability. If we do these things South Carolina schools can get out of the cellar and into the national spotlight, Something we can all be proud of.

South Carolina does have a budget problem when it comes to education, we have a spending problem. The fact Is we do not need more money, we need more education for our money. As your next Senator I promise I will work to reform the education budget and still find a way to improve our education here in South Carolina. We must break our budget into two categories, an administrative budget and a teaching budget. Since the classrooms are only seeing 43% of the total monies allocated to them with the rest being spent on administration and capital projects ,I suggest we cut the administrative budget by 10 to 12% and add that to our teaching budget.

This will improve the way of life for our students in the classroom. This has already been tested in some states and it can work here in South Carolina.

We must Cut cost, Give the school districts more control and follow all the money that is allocated to school districts leaving Columbia. We must allow parents to have a choice when it comes to their children’s educational needs but we must find the proper way of funding this!

Brian on Faith, Marriage and Abortion

South Carolinians and Americans have the right that many others do not have. We are blessed to be able to vote for our leaders. It’s for the people by the people, but we have got to participate in the process to produce change and retain the values that our Country was founded on.

Faith does influence on how some vote, Many believe that our votes are influenced by our beliefs. As a Candidate I can say “ I would not use it to Govern, but I will rely on it for guidance”. One of our greatest declines in this Country is that lack of moral standards and people are afraid to stand up for what is essential to keep America & South Carolina a free society.

We are under attack in many arenas and there is no more room for any mistakes. In South Carolina I believe we need to have a voice and responsibility to get out and make a decision on who you want to serve you in each elected position, that includes people of faith. We can only change the political process if we vote and defend what is right.

Traditional Marriage:: Brian support’s the traditional definition of marriage (between one man, one woman). This position is shared by over 78% of South Carolina voters who supported the Marriage Amendment.

Brian is Pro-Life: I believe in the sanctity of life of the unborn, because I believe life begins at conception. There is no other way to explain this.

Brian on Spending and Welfare Reform

Brian believes South Carolina needs to reform their welfare program into job fare. We must help those able body recipients in South Carolina get trained to become a productive part of our state’s workforce. These people are given self worth, which will make them proud and strive for a better life. They also become a taxpayer, which will go back into our economy. The government and the private sector should work as one and get these people back to work.

“Despite a voluminous and often fervent literature on "income distribution," the cold fact is that most income is not distributed: It is earned.” Thomas Sowell

Brian on Spending

The question always arises do we have a budget problem or a spending problem? The answer is simple; Columbia has had a spending problem. Our top Democrat legislative office holders in Columbia and some Republicans are holding us back from true reform and transparency; instead they are wasting countless hours bickering over meaningless legislation that is divided amongst party lines. Brian believes we need to get tough in Columbia and get working for the people of this state, we need to make tough decisions on how to cut wasteful spending and eliminate pork projects that benefit no one but those who push those projects through.

Brian on Tort Reform

Brian believes South Carolina needs a lesson on tort reform. Every small business in South Carolina can be ruined by just one lawsuit and may end up bankrupt from over zealous attorneys out to make a quick buck. Over the past few years, the high cost of medical malpractice insurance has put a major strain into the medical field in South Carolina.

Brian would support caps for pain, suffering and punitive damages, Now there may be some cases we may need to look at the true nature of permanency or injury but we must leave this option open. Tort Reform should be used to keep costs low and the Free Market to weed out the expensive products.

Brian believes in a more reliable & smaller government

This issue comes down to accountability. Brian believes that we need to reduce the size of State Government. We need to make sure that every dollar is spent wisely by eliminating wasteful and unnecessary spending, entitlements and by combining & streamlining departments. Brian believes that every level of government (State or Federal) needs to abide by the rules & laws that they enact. We owe it to the people we serve to make our State Government as lean, efficient and accountable as possible.

I believe we need government to get back to the basics again. They have forgotten how to provide basic quality services like economic development, infrastructure, education and public safety. As your next Senator, I will push for a more efficient and leaner government. One that will offer a high-quality service.

Brian is a a firm believer in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Brian is also a strong proponent of the 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment and 10th Amendment.

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment 2 - Right to Bear Arms : A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People : The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Brian on Healthcare Reform

Brian believes that the government should stay out of Health care. Let the private sector sort out Health care and cut costs. First, you must cut out the fraud and corruption within the Health care system. To not do this would only be transferring the cancer to another system. The government in control of Health care scares me and it should scare you, because power like that can make the people bow down to the government and loose out on another personal freedom and that is the right to choose.

President Obama and Nancy Pelosi pushed this legislation through, they said they wanted to revamp our national healthcare and they sure did. We the people have a choice, it can be reversed and stopped. We must say NO to any government-run health care and NO to mandatory coverage for abortions. As your next Senator, I will join the fight to stop Obamacare here in South Carolina, It is simply bad policy.

We need to unite and continue the lawsuits against Obamacare. We do not have room for government run healthcare whether it be run by the the state or federal government.

Healthcare needs to be affordable and an option for all people. Did you know South Carolina already has one of the highest premiums in the country? When Washington rammed the national healthcare bill through the house it sent shock waves through our state and changed leadership in congress for the first time in nearly 30 years here in South Carolina with John Spratt loosing. The people are angry and legislators need to start listening to their constituents.

With this bill passing in Washington, South Carolinians will see approximately a 15% increase in our states’ premiums. We do not need this increase,it is a travesty. Our friends and family cannot afford healthcare as it is.

As your Representative, I will do what I can to make it affordable for you and your families and I will have an open door to discuss any issue my constituents may have.

Brian on Bailouts and Stimulus

Brian is against bailouts and stimulus packages. He believes that bailouts are government power strongholds that invade the private sector and a slide toward socialism. Most of these stimulus packages are pet projects for elected officials and/or lobbyist. I am totally against this. Our federal government is forcing and pressuring states to destroy our future generations under mountains of debt by jumping in and forcing us into taking money we do not want. All this does is build DEBT!

With this intereference from Washington, South Carolina cannot govern correctly, they have put us on a fast track spiral to economic collapse, if this continues South Carolinians will have a "bailout mentality" . We already have enough problems without federal government coming in and dictating how we run our state. We can no longer look upon government for all the answers, rather we must find our own solutions.

Brian on Civil Servants

Brian believes South Carolina must provide strong and prepared law enforcement to the citizens of our state to ensure we are safe in our homes and neighborhoods. We must provide the proper resources to the Sheriffs, City, County, and State Police Departments. These men and woman are performing a selfless act.

Our Firefighters, EMT’s and Teachers should be paid a fair sum for the duty they perform. Most of these services, have \tough jobs and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Without all of these services our citizens would not not wake up every morning feeling safe and secure in most of their homes. They put it on the line everyday.

Lastly, we need to provide our District Attorneys the proper tools to keep our streets safe and give them the necessary funds to prosecute those who commit crimes and then make sure we provide adequate space to incarcerate criminals. We owe it to the people of this great state to protect them, especially when they are paying for these services with their hard earned tax dollars.

Brian on Fiscal Responsibility

Brian believes in limited, effective, and responsible government that requires all elected officials to be accountable for our tax dollars so that every penny is spent wisely. We must ease the tax burdens on local businesses as well as individuals. We have to take a common sense approach when we are spending your money. State legislators must work together and always demand balanced budgets with a percentage of the budget going to a contingency fund at all times.

Brian on Senior Issues

Unlike many South Carolinians, our Senior citizens are not single-issue voters. Senior citizens tend to vote for candidate's that they think are more rounded and are knowledgeable on a variety of issues. They vote on a candidate’s experience, the direction of our state, the economy, health care, retirement and Medicare issues. They research the issues and they are eager to participate in the voting process because they understand the unique privilege we have in our country to vote freely without intimidation.

Today, many of our seniors are worried about the rising healthcare cost that threaten the Medicare program. This increase in healthcare cost has contributed to the economic problems here in South Carolina and nationally. Many seniors are struggling daily deciding whether to eat or to take medication. As you next state senator, I believe we need to make it more manageable for seniors to afford the necessities that they have worked so hard for all of their lives, to help them enjoy a comfortable retirement that they have saved and prepared for. My question is who will protect the seniors if we do not?

Brian Carnes believes we need health care and Medicare reforms to reduce health care costs for our seniors, not reform that will rob them of their benefits in order to pay for a bigger government bureaucracy. We need to make sure that we offer the highest quality health care at the lowest price for our seniors. They deserve it and they don't deserve a Washington bureaucracy determining what their medical treatment should be.

I am thankful for the work that former Lt. Governor Andre Bauer did with the Department of aging. His work there provided resources we have never had before in South Carolina, but there is still much work to do. His work with this department provided vital healthcare, exercise and nutrition services and connected hundreds of seniors to needed healthcare services. We should be appreciative of his efforts in the fight for seniors.

For me one issue, I would like to tackle, as your next Senator would be to make sure all of our senior citizens are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. Many of our seniors fall victim to con artist who are looking to make a quick buck off of those who have saved and sacrificed for many years. This problem has increased in recent years and I will work with our newly elected Attorney General Wilson to find ways to discourage these con artist from taking advantage of our seniors. We need to toughen the laws that deal with these scams and to continue to educate our seniors on how to avoid these traps.

My job as a legislator is to serve the people young and old, I hope that we can make tremendous strides when it comes to senior issues in South Carolina, but I cannot do it without your help! I am asking if there are issues that I can approach head on in Columbia, please let me know and I will do what I can to help you and your family. Our seniors are a valuable resource that we need to utilize in order to make our state better. The knowledge, work ethic, common sense and dedication that our seniors offer to us is a precious asset that we need to treasure and use wisely!/blockquote>

We Hope You agree on most of these issues, If you do and feel led to support my candidacy then go vote on February 22, 2011. Thank you for taking the time out to see where I stand on the issues