Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Brian on Healthcare Reform- Keep it in the people's hands!

Brian believes that the government should stay out of Health care. Let the private sector sort out Health care and cut costs. First, you must cut out the fraud and corruption within the Health care system. To not do this would only be transferring the cancer to another system. The government in control of Health care scares me and it should scare you, because power like that can make the people bow down to the government and loose out on another personal freedom and that is the right to choose.

President Obama and Nancy Pelosi pushed this legislation through, they said they wanted to revamp our national healthcare and they sure did. We the people have a choice, it can be reversed and stopped. We must say NO to any government-run health care and NO to mandatory coverage for abortions. As your next Senator, I will join the fight to stop Obamacare here in South Carolina, It is simply bad policy.

We need to unite and continue the lawsuits against Obamacare. We do not have room for government run healthcare whether it be run by the the state or federal government.

Healthcare needs to be affordable and an option for all people. Did you know South Carolina already has one of the highest premiums in the country? When Washington rammed the national healthcare bill through the house it sent shock waves through our state and changed leadership in congress for the first time in nearly 30 years here in South Carolina with John Spratt loosing. The people are angry and legislators need to start listening to their constituents.

With this bill passing in Washington, South Carolinians will see approximately a 15% increase in our states’ premiums. We do not need this increase,it is a travesty. Our friends and family cannot afford healthcare as it is.

As your Representative, I will do what I can to make it affordable for you and your families and I will have an open door to discuss any issue my constituents may have.

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