Friday, January 7, 2011

Brian Carnes files for District 16 Senate Seat

Today, Brian Carnes met with Lancaster Republican Chairman Winston Smith to file his paperwork and pay the filing fee to officially become a candidate for SC Senate 16.

This was an exciting moment for Brian and his family, because Brian feels that the best way to give back to a community that has given him so much is by representing them and their needs in Columbia as their next State Senator. As your next Senator Brian will work to reform our states broken tax code, reform education, find a way to get the people back to work here in South Carolina and a host of other important issues.

With him taking this step and filing this needed paper work, Brian states that the race for him has just begun and he is excited about the people he will meet while campaigning. He will be listening to their concerns and will try to come up with solutions that will help the people in District 16. Brian at the same time is humbled by the support he has gotten from family, friends and people in the community. We all know that running for office is not an easy decision; it takes dedication and the support of a family. Today we can say we saw that Brian has that support.

Brian says that my team and I are ready to go to work and we are focused on spreading a positive message. A message based on reform and transparency. We must get our house in order when it comes to Columbia and he is looking forward to representing you and your family’s needs as your next State Senator!

Carnes 4 Senate

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