Friday, January 21, 2011

Brian says we need reform!

Help me focus on change and reform, South Carolina taxpayers should be able to keep more of their hard earned money. Many think the Fairtax is about taxes alone but it's not. The Fairtax is about much more, it is about creating jobs, its about personal freedoms and mostly it keeps the government out of our personal lives., We can fix a broken tax code in SC and the Fairtax is one option, Washington will not help!


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  3. Are you talking about the federal fairtax, the one Boortz and Linder were the leading spokesman?

    I don't know anything about Fairtax at your SC state level, but I do know a lot about Fairtax plan at the national level.

    I was an early advocate of Fairtax. It sounded great. It sounded WONDERFUL.

    But then I read the fine print. The fine print is far different from what they say in their titles, in their videos, and in their speeches.

    Google Fairtax fine print, or read my blog about it.

    Mostly, read their fine print.
